Pizza Terminology To Make Your Dining Experience Even Better

Pizza. It's a simple food with a simple name. But you'd be amazed by some of the terminology you come across when you see pizza described on various menus. You want to know what you're ordering, so it is important to decipher these terms. Here's a look at some pizza terms and their meanings.

Fior Di Latte

You may see certain pizzas, especially those in Italian restaurants, advertised as being made with Fior di Latte cheese. All this means is that the mozzarella used in the pizza is made from fresh cow's milk, rather than from buffalo milk, which is what's more common in Italy.

Grandma Pizza

You might see "grandma pizza" in some more casual, Americanized restaurants. Basically, this is a very casual style of pizza that is square-shaped with sauce on top of the cheese. It's like a square, personal pan pizza that you can probably picture your grandma making at home.


This is the most classic of all pizzas, and it's simple, too. All it has on it is some pureed tomatoes (not even a real sauce), fresh mozzarella cheese, and green basil leaves. It's the colors of the Italian flag, and it's delicious in spite of its basic toppings. Usually, margherita pizza is personally sized and intended to be served to one.

Pizza Bianca

This pizza has an elegant woman's name, and indeed, it is quite elegant. This is the Italian term for a white pizza — one made with no sauce. It's just crust, cheese, and sometimes olive oil and garlic, depending on where you are ordering. 

San Marzano Tomatoes

This is often listed as an ingredient in pizza descriptions. You may wonder why it's important to know what kind of tomatoes are on your pizza, but San Marzano tomatoes are considered the absolute best for pizza and sauce. So if you see this on a menu, you know the place is legit.

Sicilian Pizza

The term "Sicilian pizza" can be confusing if you were under the assumption that all pizza is from Napoli. However, the Sicilians love to make pizza, too. Theirs is just made with a thicker crust, and it is typically made in a square or rectangle. If you like bread-like pizza crust, this one is for you.

Hopefully, you now experience less confusion when ordering pizza and looking at pizza menus. There's a lot of terminology associated with this food, but it sure is delicious. Consider trying one of these pizza types or a different type next time you visit an Italian restaurant.  
